BBQ One Kitchen

Still giddy from my supreme El Jannah experience yesterday, I thought I’d back it up today by exploring another suburban culinary haven: Eastwood. Out of the many Asian eateries, I tried BBQ One Kitchen, your typical shabby decor Asian place with the golden-skinned ducks all strung up. For $10 you get a huge (twice the size of your average take-away container) serve of rice, BBQ duck and greens.
The journey home was unfortunately rather extended due to bad traffic, so I think the duck lost a little crunch during transit. I pan-fried it when we got home to re-crisp it. I don’t eat duck very often so I’d forgotten just how fatty it can be… Sorry arteries. The meat was juicy and flavoursome, with overtones of star anise from the five spice coming through and giving it a nice dimension. I like duck, but I am not crazy for it like many of you are, so this has fulfilled my duck craving for sometime. For good cheap-eats BBQ One Kitchen is all that’s it’s quacked up to be.

photo of Chinese duck dish

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