Strawberry Ambrosia

“Can you make that thing with the marshmallows and the yogurt?”
“What thing with the marshmallows and the yogurt?” – I have no idea what he’s talking about…
“It’s a dessert with marshmallows and yogurt and fruit.”
“Hang on, I’ll Google it.”
I have some hideous image of yogurt with mini marshmallows and fruit strewn through it. Why on earth would anyone want that? Ahhhh – they don’t.

Apparently what I ended up making wasn’t what quite right (too much fruit), but it was enjoyed nonetheless.

Sublime in texture, this ambrosia (food of the gods) is a fluffy delight. I used strawberries, however you could easily use any sort of berry or fruit. Be bold.

This dessert is also the perfect thing to make if your kitchen facilities are limited (ie no oven)

photo of strawberry ambrosia


  • 250g bag of marshmallows (I used Pascal pink and white mixed)
  • 120g thick natural yogurt (or whichever flavour you prefer)
  • 200ml thickened cream
  • 250g punnet of strawberries


  1. Over low heat, melt the marshmallows in a small saucepan until they are smooth. You must stir constantly and do not heat them too high or they will burn. Set aside for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. Lightly whip the cream. It does not have to be stiff, but just give it some body.
  3. Fold the cream and yogurt in with the melted marshmallows and combine well.
  4. Reserve 4 strawberries to garnish and mash the rest. I unfortunately did not taste the strawberries beforehand, and they were rather sour. Taste your strawberries before hand and if sour, sweeten and mash with a little sugar. Spoon the mash into the bottom of four glasses and then top with the whip and garnish with slices of strawberry. Refrigerate for a couple of hours to set.


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