Perfect Scones – Part 1

In preparation for round two of The Great British Bake Off – Down Under, the quest for the perfect scone recipe has begun. I have never made scones before and there seems to be such a wide array of vastly different recipes… I started with the simplest. People had sworn by this recipe. I swore at it.


  • 3 cups of self-raising flour
  • 1 cup cream
  • 1 cup lemonade


  1. Pre-heat oven to 220˚C.
  2. Add lemonade and cream to flour to form a soft dough and place on a floured surface.
  3. Knead dough to a 2cm thickness then cut out with a floured cutter.
  4. Place close together on tray to help rise.

Dead easy to make. I ate one fresh from the oven with strawberry jam and cream on it. It was ok. For how easy they were to make and how few ingredients, they are fine to whip up if you have unexpected guests or to give to children, or those who don’t know any better (snobby but a lot of people would think these scones were fine), but to enter into a bake off, forget it. Why? They did not rise that much and they were rather bland in taste. Not sconey enough for my liking. Next!

picture of scones with jam and cream

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