My second trip to Dean St Townhouse, and it is still as lovely to look at as ever. It has that old-world grandeur, but not pretension, down pat. Catching up with a darling friend from New York was the main dish on the menu, but the cheeseburger also made an appearance.
I haven’t had the best track record with high-end burgers, I always find them a little sterile and lacking, especially for their hefty price tags. The cheeseburger is indeed endowed with a hefty price tag, £17.50. My heart sank a little when the waitress brought a bottle of Heinz Ketchup to the table after I placed my order… For that kind of price, I certainly don’t want to have to thwack out the old Heinz all over my burger and chips… Anyway…
The burger has a thick pattie on there. Too thick actually. I love meat, but I feel this burger is a little unbalanced. She has a good flavour and is plenty juicy, however, she is a little bald. She only has cheese on her, nothing else. You can tell the meat is of high quality and has been cooked well, medium-rare. A pickle and tomato salsa comes on the side, but it would be better if it came on the burger and if the burger had some kind of sauce, or relish or chutney, or bacon, or something. The bun too is a little dry.
These are all of course minor boo-boos on what overall is a yummy burger.
The most disappointing element on the plate were the chips. Not seasoned well, not particularly crispy or fluffy, just borin’ old chips.
I think I might have finally learned my lesson to not go for high-end burgers… But the one I had from press* in Adelaide was a dream, so it’s hard to stop believing…