
Anzac Biscuits

“It’s the monotony we revile, not – to a like degree – hard work or hard face. To look out on the same stretch of beach or the same patch of trench wall and the same terraces of hostile black and grey sandbags day after day is to be wearied.” […]

Musk Kisses

Musk Kisses. A perfect thing to do with leftover egg whites (the yolks went into ice-cream). Simply beat them to stiff peaks and add caster sugar. I didn’t even measure it this time. I just kept adding until it tasted right. Add a few drops of musk, a touch of […]

Hot Cross Bun Ice-cream

Happy Easter. I hope your weekend was filled with the usual suspects of Easter delight. Mine was. So on this last day of the Easter weekend, not having quite had my fill of Easterness, due to perhaps an unfortunate incident involving the ruination of actual homemade hot cross buns due […]

Indian Tuesday

After the success of Saturday night’s Indian, I wanted more… And having a gorgeous lot of lamb cutlets from the amazing Vic’s Meat (if you haven’t been, you simply must go to their Market Day on Saturdays between 8am and 12pm) I decided to attack the Punjabi Masala Chop recipe […]

Indian Saturday

I rarely eat Indian food. I like it, but somehow it just doesn’t make it into my regular rotation. I actually cannot remember the last time I ate Indian food, but having recently bought the book Gordon Ramsay’s Great Escape, which has 100 of his favourite Indian recipes, it was […]

Cranberry and Pistachio Shortbread

My lovely cousin over at Love Dove first gave me a bunch of these two Christmases ago, and they are perhaps the most delicious biscuit you will ever eat. Simple to make (as they do not require rolling out) why not make a batch and take them to a friend? […]